View a list of all jobs

job_list(search = NULL, select = c("jobname", "owner", "priority",
  "status", "description"))



input query used to extract a subset of jobs


character vector of columns to return


An object of class worbch_tbl. It is regular tibble with a slightly modified print method that ensures all rows are printed in the output


The job_list() function is used to display a summary of the jobs known to workbch, shown as a tibble with one row per job. By default only those jobs with a priority value of 1 or 2 will be shown, and only if their status is "active" or "inactive". Jobs that do not have sufficient priority or whose status is "complete", "abandoned" or "masked" are not shown.

The default behaviour can be overridden by specifying a search string (or object that can be coerced to a string). If the user specifies a value to search then job_list() attempts to match the search string with a parameter value. For instance job_list("active") will return all jobs that have status active and job_list(1) will return all jobs that have priority 1. At present this functionality requires that the search string be an exact value (e.g., search = "Dani" would not match a job owned by "Danielle"), though this may be extended in the future.

The output is returned to the user as a tibble, and by default the columns displayed are jobname, owner, priority, status, and description. The user can directly specify which columns to be included using the select argument, which should be a character vector specifying the names of the columns to include. In addition to the five columns made available by default, the output can include the path, tags and urls associated with the job. For convenience, if you set select = NULL then all columns will be returned.